After a hair transplant, your hair will fall out!

One of the biggest concerns for hair surgery patients is whether their hair will fall out again after their surgery.

Hair Transplant

The first week is definitive in terms of care and it is essential that the patient scrupulously follow the guidelines of his surgeon. You should not make any effort to prevent the loss of grafts. They have to grip well and need the patient to be relaxed. This with a week to ten days will be enough, so we recommend taking a week of vacation for maximum peace of mind.

After a hair graft, there will be some grafts that will not succeed, the follicles that do will not fall out since the donor area is genetically stronger but the rest of your non-grafted hair will continue its normal cycle and continue to fall, Corporation Capillary is going to give us some tips so that after a hair intervention you do not lose the grafted follicles and keep the rest of the hair, we are going to draw up a calendar for the 12 months following your surgery and it will be the following:

First 2/3 days after the procedure:

The first thing the patient has to know is that the implanted follicles will be safe thanks to fibrin (the body's natural glue). 

We have to hydrate the receiving area very well with a supplied physiological saline. In the donor area, some scabs are created due to its healing process and the hair will continue its normal growth process. Do not touch the transplanted area and do not rub the area after surgery.

From the first to the second week after the intervention:

This is the most important week, the follicles will only be safe from the eighth day. We will have to follow the special care indicated by our surgeon, such as not rubbing the area or rubbing it strongly. Nor can we do any sports or physical effort. They also cannot take saunas for the first month.

From the second to the sixth week after the intervention:

The existing hair in the transplanted hair follicles may fall out during this period. Surgeons call it a lactation phase for transplanted follicles and it is normal for them to fall out to grow back.

From the third to the fourth month after surgery:

When we do a hair graft, the surgeon takes advantage of the follicular units of an area of ​​the scalp where they will not normally suffer loss in the future, except for some serious disease, so we are going to benefit from this quality in the new implantation to be able to achieve assured success. 

But what about the rest of the hair ... what happens? The first thing we have to do is stop the progression of alopecia in the surrounding areas that we are treating.

After each hair graft surgery, it is very important that our doctor recommends to us according to each patient what we have to do to avoid losing the rest of the hair in the event that the patient has a lot of hair loss at that time.

After a clinical history and a study of each particular case of each patient, we will make a customized treatment to ensure the success of the surgery and also that the rest of your hair will not suffer any damage.

For this reason, many patients even before surgery we treat them with a regenerative therapy called PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). 

What is PRP? In Medicine, the evidence of regenerative therapy with growth factors associated with multiple treatments has been discovered, such as in trauma. We all know the case of the knee of our great tennis player Rafael Nadal, who was treated many years ago with this therapy with very good results. It is also used in dentistry, facial treatments, and reconstructive surgery with spectacular results. That is why we have more and more demand from our patients for the results they obtain before and after their treatment.

This technique repairs both soft tissues and bones, so it can be applied in our case before and after hair surgery with spectacular results.

The procedure is very simple. Blood is drawn and then the doctor proceeds to centrifuge it in a tube with sodium citrate so that it does not clot and what we are going to achieve is a high concentration of platelets that we will inject into the patient in the area that we have to treat.

It is a treatment that has no side effects or rejection by patients since it is the patient's own blood. What is necessary before performing this treatment is a complete analysis to rule out possible infections of the patient. 

In the event that a patient has some type of disease that is not compatible with the treatment, we have other types of treatments with exceptional results such as mesotherapy of hair rejuvenation with biopeptides that will activate hair growth, in addition to stopping the current loss and above all revitalizes hair follicles. All of these treatments are highly successful. 

All these treatments are exclusively medical with very specific protocols for each patient and totally personalized diagnoses.

Any of these treatments and depending on the case of each patient we can combine them with other treatments that we are going to mention below:


This treatment is applied carbon dioxide subcutaneously to improve the circulation of the scalp increasing hair regeneration since it is a vasodilator with which we will achieve oxygenation of the tissue, therefore more revitalization and more nutrients in the hair follicles. The quality of the hair is greatly improved and we stop hair loss.

All these treatments are not painful, you will only feel a slight tingling after your session and a small sensation of heat in the area.

All hair loss treatments are fully personalized. Always in consultation, the doctors have to do an examination of your hair loss along with a complete analysis and a medical history to be able to find out what the problem of your hair loss is, if it exists, or if it is only androgenetic alopecia so that each treatment has totally different guidelines to follow. The evolution of each patient can also vary according to their problem, rhythm of life, daily habits, genetic factors if they are male or female, and age of each patient and degree of alopecia.

We work with the latest technologies for hair regeneration and all treatments can be combined if the doctor considers it to be able to stop hair loss.

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